Airs aromatics / amazon store
photographer - Marcus Valerio Kung / @marcusto_valerio
Emily Valerio Kung /
My wife and I joined forces for this project! Airs Aromatics needed stunning photos for their new perfume spray line. The challenge? We had to create artistic shots that captured the essence of the perfumes, along with clean, white background images for their online store. My wife designed a beautiful set for the artistic shots, and I tackled the white background photos and even created an animated gif. But here's the catch: the text on the bottles were super reflective, blending right in and hiding the brand name. To make things even more interesting, one of the sample bottles arrived with the wrong font! Luckily, we came up with a solution. To conquer the reflective text, I took multiple photos with different lighting setups, then combined them in Photoshop to make the text readable. For the bottle with the wrong font, I used my editing skills to replace it with the correct one, making sure it matched seamlessly. Despite the unexpected challenges with the text, the project was a success!